Aiman zehra

I know i don't write blogs much  but acts like these tend me to write. Mist of the times i ignore but i can't . Day beforeYesterday night i Saw a video of a small girl crying and bleeding from mouth and her private body parts. The age of the girl is 3 years only and sge is been raped by a boy of 20-23 years old in bandipora Kashmir. I noticed one thing this incident happened 3 days before and no media showed it no news paper had its headlines in this and then in a news channel was showing this but in political way on mhebooba mufti tweet regarding this where she mentioned this culprit should be punished bye shariya Court laws and a religion Debate started among others leaders. No one cared about the girl I would be happy if the same leader would asked for health and wellness for the baby girl. Is only politics left in the world. Media in totally involved in politics and election no one of them reported about this. Also when the local kashmiris protested the where given lathi charge and moved away and also on top of that an islamic school came into save that boy as he is a minor. Bullshit! If he is a minor than how he did such big crime. Many people don't know about this. I really feel sad for the girls and parents going through this i can't even imagine about the pain she is suffering. Everyday one or other rape case is been reported some are given justice and some of them are not been filled. The only thing which I think can stop such crimes is they should be hanged may whatever the agr be or whatever the gender be rape is rape no othe word can define this. Now where those celebrities who post and do show off this doesn't make them cry now.....

Here is the link of the video of the girl


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